
This element encodes information about an external reference. One typical use case for this elements is to provide a reference to a published article by showing its PubMed identifier as a part of an Evidence element.

Data model

Definition of the ExternalReference element
Field Type Multiplicity Description
id string 0..1 An application specific identifier. RECOMMENDED.
reference string 0..1 An application specific identifier. RECOMMENDED.
description string 0..1 An application specific description


    id: "PMID:30962759"
    description: "Recurrent Erythema Nodosum in a Child with a SHOC2 Gene Mutation"

    id: "PMID:30962759"
    reference: "https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30962759"
    description: "Recurrent Erythema Nodosum in a Child with a SHOC2 Gene Mutation"



The syntax of the identifier is application specific. It is RECOMMENDED that this is a CURIE that uniquely identifies the evidence source, e.g. ISBN:978-3-16-148410-0 or PMID:123456. However, it could be a URL/URI, or other relevant identifier.

It is RECOMMENDED to use a CURIE identifier. If one is used, it is RECOMMENDED that the corresponding Resource be provided in the MetaData element. For the above example, one would provide an Resource for PubMed (see the MetaData for this example).


It is RECOMMENDED that a full or partial URL/URI is provided for systems to resolve an external reference, especially in the absence of a CURIE identifier.


An optional free text description of the evidence. In the example above, the title of a published article is shown.